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2012 Knights Basketball Coaching Academy Date Announced **NEW**
Written by Paul Galbenski   
Thursday, 02 August 2012

2012 Knights Basketball Coaching Academy

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Knights Basketball Coaching Academy has Teamed-up with Coaches vs. Cancer

2012 Knights Basketball Coaching Academy Brochure and Registration Form (PDF Format)

2012 Printable Registration Form (PDF Format)



All proceeds will be donated to Coaches vs. Cancer!

Feature Speakers:

*** Jeff Smith, Assistant Men's Basketball Coach ***
Central Michigan University

2005 & 2009 NCAA Tournament Appearances

2005 Mid-Continent Tournament Champions

2009 Mountain West Conference Champions

*** John Beilein, Head Men's Basketball Coach ***
University of Michigan

2012 Big Ten Championship

2007 National Invitation Tournament Championship

7 NCAA Tournament Appearances

4-Time Coach of the Year

 ***Jim Christian, Head Men's Basketball Coach ***
Ohio University

2003 & 2004 Mid-American East Division Champions

 2006 & 2008 Mid-American Champions

2006 & 2008 Mid-American Conference Coach of the Year

 *** Klint Pleasant, Head Men's Basketball Coach ***
Rochester College

2012 NAIA Coach of Character Award

2012 USCAA Division 1 National Championship Runner-Up

2001-2002 Elite Eight NCAA Tournament Appearance

The 14th Annual Knights Basketball Coaching Academy will be held on Saturday, September 22nd from 8:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at BLOOMFIELD HILLS ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL located at 4200 Andover Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302.  Andover High School is on the South side of Long Lake Road between Middlebelt and Telegraph Road.

The cost for the academy is $35.00 and includes a clinic t-shirt, basketball notebook, on-court player demonstrations provided by the 2004 & 2005 Rochester College USCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship team, coaches’ prize give-a-ways from Nike, Winning Hoops and many more valuable basketball resources!

Pre-registration deadline is September 15th. 
$45.00 for registration at the door.  

Click on the following link for a list of past speakers.  Mark your calendars for September 22nd for a great day of basketball!

For more information contact Paul Galbenski at 248.506.4373 or at . Click on the following link for more information about the Knights Basketball Coaching Academy.

In the News:
C and G News Article - September 13, 2011
Annual clinic promises big names and lessons for basketball coaches

What Other Coaches Have to Say About The Academy:
"The Coaching Academy has brought in some big name coaches.  These coaches have given and shared their insight and knowledge which has been a valuable tool for me on a personal level.  I once met UCLA legendary basketball coach John Wooden who was taking notes at a clinic five years after he retired.  I asked him why he did his.  He smiled and said, "real simple when you think you have all the answers its time to get out of the game, learning is an everyday process."
Greg Esler, Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach
De La Salle High School

"During the girl's high school season, our staff has been able to immediately implement what we've learned at the academy the past couple years. The academy can help coaches at all levels!"
Gary Morris, Varsity Girls' Basketball Coach
Farmington Hills Mercy Catholic High School

"I would encourage all coaches to attend the Coaching Academy as often as possible.  Coach Galbenski always has brought in coaches with a wide spectrum of coaching ideas and philosophies.  I have found it to be one of the most informative clinics I have ever attended."
Dan Fife, Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach
Clarkston High School

"The Knights Basketball Coaching Academy is one of the most affordable and informative clinics that you will find.  Each year there is a quality group of speakers who present detailed instruction on a variety of topics through on court demonstrations.  I highly recommend this clinic to basketball coaches at any level."
Jim Manzo, Former Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach
Lake Orion High School
Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 August 2012 )
"Basketball does not build character it reveals it."

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